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What the Coronavirus Took From Us

Writer's picture: Ashley ChenAshley Chen

A lot of people took school for granted. Now that we have to stay home and learn remotely, people are starting to realize that they took advantage of the opportunity to attend a tangible school. People need people, whether it is to bounce ideas off each other, or tell eachother about how your day has been so far, or to tell someone about something funny that happened in class. For the class of 2020, I’m sure it has been really hard on them losing the last half of their senior year with prom and graduation. I’m a junior and I have friends who are seniors so I sympathize with them about their situation. Since I am in 11th grade, I have to take online classes for SAT prep which is extremely frustrating especially because I have ADHD. Imagine sitting at your desk trying to focus on what the person on the other side of the screen is saying to you and hearing noises right outside your window and people constantly talking in the background. It’s not easy. People ask “don’t you have medication that you can take?”. Yes, I have medication but it doesn’t completely make me focused. My attention still lingers every few moments, which is even more difficult with all the distractions at home.

I was supposed to go to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania for a Sports Business program in the summer which has been taken from me because of this pandemic. It’s mind blowing that there are people who are still going out and spending time with their friends thinking that they’re not going to contract the virus and even if they do they think they won’t die from it because they’re young and healthy. On Snapchat the other, Daily Mail posted a story of a young, healthy man who died from coronavirus after being told by doctors that he shouldn’t worry and that there was nearly no chance of him dying from the virus. I applaud the people in Florida who are now crowding the beaches and people who are protesting to open businesses back up. This pandemic is bigger than all of us. Not only are we supposed to stay home to protect ourselves, but we’re staying at home to protect others around us. It shows that you don’t care about yourself or others if you’re still socializing with people during this time.

If I’m being completely honest, this virus is destroying my chances of getting into a good school. I’m struggling to focus on SAT prep, an amazing opportunity to learn at Wharton during the summer has been taken away from me, I can barely focus long enough to finish my work, and I can barely sleep because of my anxiety and stress. The problem is that there are millions of students around the world who are feeling the same way that I do.


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