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Separate Fact From Fiction: The Impact of COVID-19 on Everyday Lives

Avery Look

Store shelves are barren. As crowds of people swarm their local drugstores to buy up remaining stocks of hand sanitizer and face masks, one thing is certain: it is the things we cannot see that can scare us the most.

Many government officials are taking action in light of recent events. President Trump declared a national state of emergency on March 13, 2020, in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, also known as the “novel coronavirus.” Governor Cuomo also announced a state ban on gatherings of 500 people or more, with some exceptions. While some people are working from home, others continue to attend places despite their large occupancies.

In any case, it is apparent that coronavirus, in one way or another, is affecting everyone. In terms of its impact on students, many are afraid to attend school, because of the proximity that it guarantees both during the commute and actual time spent in the buildings. Regardless, Bill de Blasio stated that New York public schools are to remain open, as there are many students who depend on their resources.

Right now, people are afraid of the virus, and consequently even more afraid of others. Those of Asian descent now walk around with targets on their backs, due to the disease’s origin in China, specifically in the city of Wuhan. Treatment towards Asians is becoming worse because some fail to understand what the coronavirus actually is. By choosing to believe fiction over fact, they are prioritizing ignorance over an actual solution to the problem.

So is the fear surrounding COVID-19 justified? The short answer is yes and no. The media’s portrayal of the coronavirus makes it difficult for individuals to grasp whether or not people should be afraid. While some articles claim that the disease is nothing to worry about, at least for those within a certain age range, others make it seem like the world as we know it is ending. Because of this, it is crucial to look to reliable sources for information on the disease. Websites like the CDC provide accurate facts and tips regarding what COVID-19 is and what everyone should know about it.

It is essential that the grasp that many have over the situation is cultivated on truth. One key thing that people must understand is that the disease has no race. Its location of origin does not justify violence or racism towards Asians. The fact that there are other cases of the novel coronavirus that are affecting people of different races further proves that said discrimination has no basis. The mistake that many media sources make in talking about the disease is not emphasizing this idea enough.

There is no guarantee that a news article that one reads will provide reliable information about what is going on and what to do next. What we do know now is that COVID-19, whether we like it or not, is going to spread. However, it is also worth noting that there are simple ways to protect against it. Developing an understanding of the disease in itself and its impact on others is the only way that life will be able to go, amidst the chaos taking the world by storm.

To learn more about COVID-19, visit


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