After months of quarantine, life has become quite mundane. It seems as if we are reliving the same day over and over again, in a never ending loop. However, there are still some things we can do to keep ourselves busy.
Online shop.
Go for a walk.
Watch a movie.
Make a Tik Tok.
Trying baking/cooking.
Do some yoga/meditate.
Pick up an instrument.
Complete a puzzle.
Start a blog.
Read a book.
Play a board game.
Organize your room.
Listen to music.
Draw/paint something.
Get crafty.
Learn something new on YouTube.
Stop procrastinating and finish your homework.
Get some sleep.
Donate to people in need.
Find a way to help others cope with Covid-19
Facetime your friends and family.
Spend some time with your loved ones.
The most important thing is to keep yourself busy and don’t slack off. Look at quarantine as a time to do something productive and better yourself!